How To Troubleshoot Your Garbage Disposal

A garbage disposal system helps you get rid of undesired items and safely dispose of them. However, sometimes the garbage disposal systems may stop working due to a clog, leak, or jam. They may also produce a humming sound sometimes that you may not find in an otherwise optimally working system. You can search Google with keywords including “Leading plumbers near me” to find out a reliable plumbing service to help you fix plumbing and appliance issues. While a leading plumber in Carlsbad can help you in times of need, you can also troubleshoot some of the issues associated with your garbage disposal system and machine.

Causes Of Issues With A Garbage Disposal System

A garbage disposal system and machine consist of a shredding mechanism (that chops and shreds the waste material) along with a powerful motor. The system is also connected to the drainage or waste line. When a jam occurs in the system or the drainage line, the garbage system may not work optimally. Below are certain troubleshooting steps and mechanisms that you can follow to fix problems associated with your garbage disposal system.

System Not Performing At All

If the garbage disposal system is not performing or working at all, you can simply push the reset button given at the bottom of the machine. Issues including overheating can cause the stalling of the garbage system, and a simple reset can make it function properly again. In other cases, the system may not be getting electricity or a power supply. You need to check the electrical wire, and circuit breaker, and whether the system is getting electricity. Fixing such issues may ensure that your machine for waste disposal may start to run again. If the system is not grinding properly, you need to flush the system with some access water to overcome the issue.

The Disposal System Hums

If the garbage disposal system is giving a humming sound, it means that the machine is jammed. The drainage system may still be working in such instances, but no garbage will be disposed of. In such a scenario, the blade of the system must be rotated manually to remove the blockage.

To fix the issue, first, unplug or switch off the circuit breaker. Now locate the socket (hex shaped) at the bottom of the waste disposal machine. The new waste disposal systems are supplied together with an Allen Wrench (which may be taped to the disposal or located beneath the sink). You can use this S-shaped wrench for overcoming the jamming issue. Insert the wrench in the socket and rotate the grinder component (forward and backward) to dislodge any particles and substances that are causing the jam. You can also use a tong or a plier to remove the undesired particles.

The System Spins And Whirs

Sometimes, due to a clog, the water may not go down or drain very slowly. Such clogs should be removed with the use of a plier or a tong. If the cause of the clog is not visible you can use a solution of vinegar and baking soda to clean and remove it. If these measures do not clear the clog, the issue is located not in the waste disposal system but in the P-trap (beneath the sink). You can remove the P trap by using a wrench and clean the vicinities.

If nothing removes the blockage, it is due to a drainage issue. You need to inquire with your friends and family members and ask them questions like “Which is the best service for garbage disposal repair near me?” to contact and hire a professional plumbing service. Clogs in the drain line can only be removed by professional plumbing services.


You can always search the internet and Google with keywords including “Which are the best plumbing services near me?” to locate and hire a professional and reliable service to take care of garbage disposal and piping network issues. Certain leaks and blockages require professional treatment and resources.